K-Pop Cover Dance & Choreography Contest - 21st of September in Hanover
Due to the recent announcement of the KCON in Frankfurt, the Konnecting Dance Contest had to be moved to the 21st of September
We did not make this decicison lightly, since it brings a huge organizational effort with it. Now more than ever, we need the support of the community to make the KDC the event that it wants to be for you!
We are deeply sorry for everyone who is affected by this decision and who cannot participate or spectate the KDC
After the amazing feedback of last year's first ever KDC, we are happy and proud to present to you the second edition of the Konnecting Dance Contest!
With this contest, the name speaks for itself - Konnecting Dance - the connection to dance comes first and is the guideline for this competition
Our aspirations are
a fair and respectful competition
acknowledging dance as an artform and sport
not to focus on K-Pop, nor cover, but DANCE
It is our goal to implement these aspirations through our concept, the judging criterias and the picked judges.
We thank you for your support and interest and cannot wait for your sign ups!
The second Konnecting Dance Contest will be judged by a panel of five judges, consisting of K-Pop Pro's aswell as professional working dancers. What I attached importance to when chosing the judges, is to gain a diversity of styles and influences, as well as years of experience and advanced education, beyond K-Pop dance
Please check the german page for the full judge profiles and video demos!
You can sign up in the following 5 categories
Solo Cover
Solo Choreo
Small group / 2 to 4 dancers / Cover
Big group / over 5 dancers / Cover
Group Choreo
Dancers can compete once in every category
We are offering you 2 different forms of competition, that differ the most in their judging criterias
Either present a K-Pop Song in its original form, or get creative and use K-Pop as an inspiration and base.
Different from last year, we want to make the Choreography option less scary and more inviting, that is why we adapted the criterias. This year we explicitly offer you to not only use 1/3, but an unlimited amount of existing K-Pop Choreography and especially concepts as the foundation of your show.
The focus lies on creativity and thinking out of the box, The adaptating, re-arranging and inventing, as well as purposefully using well-known K-Pop movements is what we are looking for. The judging criterias will be adapted especially for creativity and compostion.
One whole song - Intros/Dancebreaks are allowed, as long as they come from the original artist itself and have a source (e.g fancams)
Membercount of the original artist is not relevant
Every song with a K-Pop reference is allowed, e.g
japanese and chinese releases of K-Pop Artists
songs sung in english, like XG
Songs produced for shows like Produce 101, Kingdom,
and so on
English (western) songs with a K-Pop background are not allowed, e.g
Studio Choom Artist of the Month
Covers of english songs done by Idols
and so on
Choreos have to be covered in their original form. It is allowed to make reasonable changes, because of different member count or tricks/stunts (e.g flips).
Your chosen choreo has to have a youtube video you can reference as the source
The maximum length of a cover is 4 minutes for a group and 3:30 minutes for solos
A tolerance of +/- 10 seconds is allowed
One song aswell as a mix are allowed
Every song with a K-Pop background is allowed, e.g erlaubt, auch
japanese and chinese releases of K-Pop Artists
songs sung in english, like XG
Songs produced for shows like Produce 101, Kingdom,
and so on
English (western) songs with a K-Pop background are not allowed, e.g
Studio Choom Artist of the Month
Covers of english songs done by Idols
and so on
It is allowed to use parts from original K-Pop Choreos in your show (following the "cover" rules). The length of the copied parts cannot be more than 1/3 of your whole show
It is not allowed to copy other existing choreos, that have a K-Pop connection, e.g
Studio Choom Artist of the Month
Concept Videos/Performances by Idols
Studio Choreos from 1Million and the like
any other ideas from choreographers, neither from internet nor from real life
Choreography shows have to contain your own ideas!
The maximum length of a choreography show is 3 minutes for groups and 2:30 minutes for solos
A tolerance of +/- 10 seconds is allowed
Dancers can compete once in every category
Here are EXAMPLES to make it more clear:
It is allowed to participate as
a solo with a cover and a solo with a choreography show, since we consider this 2 different categories
a solo with a cover and as part of a group cover
It is not allowed to participate
twice as a solo with a choreography show
twice, as a member of two different small groups with covers
The criterias will differ for every category. A detailed explanation can be found here soon
Movement Quality
Stage Presence
Accuracy of covering
K-Pop Feeling
As it goes in life, nothing is for free. Since Konnecting Dance is a community oriented organisation, we are non profit! Thats why we need to collect fees in order to make this contest happen!
The collected fees are solely used to cover the four digit expenses that come with an event like this. These expenses are for example:
Rental for the main hall + attached rooms
fair wages for the jury + travel expenses
Professional light technicians
Professional photographers and videographers
This year the contest will take place in a bigger location, the IGS Mühlenberg in Hannover. The stage measurements are 12 meter in length and 10 meters in depth. We will update you asap with the exact measurements aswell as videos and more pictures. Here is a preview:

The are for the participants will be on the empore, which we will shield from view. Participants will be able to enjoy the show from the main seating area

To get to the location, we recommend taking the tram line 3 or 7 Wettbergen to the stop Mühlenberger Markt. From there its only a couple meters walking straight and you'll quickly see the school complex.
If you are arriving by car you can use the parking "Sporthallen" right next to the school
By now Germany is offering a huge variety of K-Pop Contest, suitable for all levels of dancers. Our Konnecting "Open Stage" is also a great place for rookies to start their dancing journey and gain stage experience.
For the KDC we will pick the best 10-15 acts per category through the video appliciation
Requirements for your video:
Länge von 30 Sekunde (+/- 5) - One Take!
Lenght of 30 seconds (+ / - 5) - One Take!
HD or higher resoultion + adequate lighting conditions
reasonable choice of vertical and horizontal format (eg. vertical for solo = great / vertical for a group of ten = not so great)
Upload only to youtube (no shorts) & unlisted
Cover Kategorie: K-Pop Choreo deiner Wahl, mit Beachtung der Regeln
Cover category: K-Pop Choreo of your choice, following the given rules
Choreo category: Own choreon (mix / re-arrangement of cover allowed), following the given rules
The dancers in your video can differ from your final line up, after previous confirmation with us via e mail
Your application video does not have to be your final contest perfromance
Please name your song as well as the source of your choreo/cover in the sign up form
Judging criterias
Movement Quality
Accuracy of Coove
Additionally for choreographies only
Quality of your video in terms of editing, location and music
previous achievements
connections to the host, organisation and / or jury
The videos will be judged by the Konnecting staff aswell as parts of our jury